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The purpose of the research centre will be to facilitate efficient and long-term cooperation between the partners of the project and to maintain contact with existing centres of excellence which received support from the Operational Programme Research and Development at the STU.

Implementation started in 2014 and research and data collection is planned to take place until 2020. More than 1100 individuals have participated in the project.


Establishment of a Research Centre for the Analysis and Protection of Data

ITMS project code 26240120037
Operational Programme Research and Development, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget
Project duration 04/2014 – 09/2015

Partners of the Project
Beneficiary: IBM International Services Centre, s. r. o.
Partners: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and DWC Slovakia, a. s.

Project Sites
Mlynské nivy 49, Bratislava
Vazovova 5 a Ilkovičova 3, Bratislava
Mlynské nivy 71, Bratislava

Project description

Establishment, Development and Scientific Management of a Research Center for the Analysis and Protection of Data

The main objective of the research proposal is to apply acquired knowledge and infrastructure to solving new research objectives related in the areas of Smart Life and living in a smart city to ensure a high quality of life in a modern society.

The main theme is the improvement and informatization of solutions to life situations of a regular citizen. The aim is to create opportunities and appropriate tools for the citizens to use their technical equipment – they already use smartphones and tablets or personal computers daily.

Design and implementation of a concept of integrated city management will lead to simpler processing of formar requests, document transfer, communication between the city and the public, and it will build cloud technologies for certified storage of official documents in electronic form. Environmental and other data will be collected by networks of sensors in order to contribute to the improvement of the environment and outdoor life. By creating a snapshot of the existing state of pollution and concentrations of dust, noise, heat, vapour or hazardous gases it will be possible to enact instant interventions to ensure the health and safety of citizens.

One of the partial objectives of the project is to develop infrastructure to support research of the concepts of Smart City and Smart Life. This involves the development and implementation of smart city platform modules, design and development of tools for the communication of the citizens with the platform and contributing to life improvement by resolving citizen issues in the city, and creating an information space for other services: health care, transport, energy, tourism etc.
The research center for data analysis and protection, built in cooperation with IBM International Service Centre, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and DWC Slovakia is, together with pilot research tasks, a strategic foundation of the complex infrastructure which will support research and development aimed at mobile data security.

The research was divided into work packages assisted by external research, analyzing areaso f data security which affect the daily lives of citizens. Data security is one of most prominent issues in IT and hardware development because dozens to hundreds of millions of personal devices (smartphones, telemedicine, e-government, social networks, etc.) are used daily by EU citizens.

Information technologies are used to informatize systems and services in nearly all areas of human activity. Services are often provided by several entities, including the customer himself, carrying out partial, but interlinked tasks and exercising a level of coordination in order to achieve the desired result at the end of the chain of activities. This chain of activities is called the Workflow Process (WP).

The project includes the following

Process mining and behaviour profiles

Energy Efficient Intrusion and Error Prediction

Mobile Information Security and Privacy

Biometric Recognition

Monitoring of Bio-physical Parameters

WP1. Process mining and behaviour profiles

Under WP1 the main goal was to study the issues of process mining, process discovery and process learning, with the outcome of designing algorithms for automatic, adaptive, computer assisted generation of models for information systems for workflow process management (business process management systems) and decision support systems. For validation of methods and algorithms in WP1 several reference processes both from public and private sector were used.

WP2. Energy Efficient Intrusion and Error Prediction

Behavior detection is challenging due to its energy requirements. In this work package, we implemented an Android application, “FunFi”, that allowed us to collect network and location information. Based on the collected information, we designed and analyzed an algorithm for user behavior prediction with the focus on user trajectory prediction. Deviation of a user from a predicted trajectory can be perceived as an error that needs to be detected in a timely and energy-efficient way. Unlike other prediction approaches, our approach is based on a one-time trajectory probability computation; these probabilities remain unchanged over extended time period, what simplifies implementation of this approach as a web service. Other than trajectory prediction, this approach also allows for mapping WiFi routers to logical locations. This allows us to acquire user location with respect to a WiFi router nearby.

WP3. Mobile Information Security and Privacy

Mobile devices are still gaining popularity and transforming the whole field of information and communication technology. With the positive effects of these changes come hand-in-hand the emerging new forms of cyber-crime and misuse of data. Sensitive data stored on mobile devices lacks adequate protection. Furthermore, mobile devices themselves generate sensitive data, such as location and its history. All such sensitive data may leak from the devices due to unintentional reasons, such as poor development practices, as well as due to intentional malicious activities – malware, targeted malicious attacks, tracking in advertising or marketing.

WP4. Biometric Recognition

The project dealt with the issue of creating a biometric recognition system and several areas of research were involved. It was necessary to implement a complex recognition system composed of the input image pre-processing module, feature extraction module, and classification module. The methods chosen for these modules included sophisticated machine learning methods. Parameters of each method were optimized for increasing cognitive success and ability to work in real time.

WP5. Monitoring of Bio-physical Parameters

Modern sensor networks based on the latest technology of wireless data transmission help to collect data from many sources and maintain human health. Sensor networks, with their wide range of options, provide a wide spectrum in the range of biometrics and health care, the environment, smart buildings, the automotive industry and other economically important sectors. In data collection great emphasis is placed on ensuring a clean and error-free input signal. Basic level data collection between sensory units of networks currently represents one of the key points of information transmission integrity. Dynamic advances in the area of sensor elements and systems are driven by new materials, powerful microprocessors, great progress in the area of organic materials and the use of known semiconductors for new applications, etc. The significance and security of collecting a large volume of data and achieving network

Structure of the Research Center for the Analysis and Protection of Data

IBM International Services Centre, s. r. o.

Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

DWC Slovakia, a. s.

A team of representatives from all partners of the consortium coordinated the inputs and produced the final text. The members were: Igor Kazlov (IBM), Martin Donoval (STU), Gabriel Juhás (STU), Martin Vívodik (IBM), Martin Domin (DWC), Martin Drozda (STU), Michal Šramka (STU), Dominik Sopiak (STU) a Peter Satury (DWC).

Research outcomes
• Data security of a modern city
• Secure network (biometrics, environmental)
• Behavioral models and patterns
• Integrated modular system offering a broad spectrum of urban governance
• Quality of life

Commercial outcomes
• The platform for use in other cities (modified platform for cities to 100 000 inhabitants
• Cloud platform for small towns (implementation in dozens of towns)

Project Objectives
• Document flow in local municipality, document flow in health service
• Document flow in life situations in the city
• Open data standard for further use

Project Implementation Timeline


1. Preparation of documents for public procurement
2. Market research
3. Preparation of sample materials, design proposal, graphic design
4. Preparation of sample documents
5. Creation of websites at the recipient and both partners


1. Creation of work groups for each work package and project outputs
2. Realization of activities under the pilot phase of research
3. Approval of all necessary documents related to the establishment of the Research Center
4. Preparing and attending press conference, releasing a press release


1. Realization of the project
2. Publishing and information have been carried out in full
3. Cooperation between the partners involved in the project continues after the implementation of the project

2017 – 2018

Thanks to the successful project, the cooperation between the partners involved in the project, which continues after the completion of the project activities, was established. The data collected during the project is preserved and can be further processed. These activities will lead to fulfillment of measurable impact indicators.

During the monitoring period, the measurable impact indicator of the project, namely the number of jobs created for male researchers, was achieved. The project partner STU, in connection with the project, has accepted an employee whose employment contract is attached to the Monitoring Report. Fulfillment of the other impact indicators of the project is planned in the future.

In the period under review, the project management and partner organizations have formally approved all the necessary documents related to the establishment of the Research Center in accordance with the project and planned outputs of the project. All Center Documents have been put into practice. In the pilot phase of the research, researchers and specialists devoted themselves to studying scientific literature, design of experiments and methodical procedures, subsequent analyzes and overall testing and evaluation of results. The work groups created for the individual work packages and outputs of the project continued to carry out the tasks and the completion of the research activities, and each of them remains a team within the pilot phase of excellent research. The implementation of activities under the pilot phase of the research involved the professional staff of all partners in accordance with the internal division of work tasks under the Partnership Contract and the project description.

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